Friends in “high places”: Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco flaunted access to power, highlighting the problem of “the Jesus” and sheriffs department gang stalking

In the Tampa Bay Times series "Targeted" we get a glimpse of how sheriffs departments are using gang stalking to "harass targeted individuals until they move away or sue." These departments are all over the USA and they act with brutal impunity--until now. This has been enabled across the country because Jewish-christian's --or those who … Continue reading Friends in “high places”: Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco flaunted access to power, highlighting the problem of “the Jesus” and sheriffs department gang stalking

Keith LaBella Esq. was the first to suggest applying the RICO act to “organized gang stalking.” Now, a trend in which we see the Pasco County lawsuits invoking RICO, and a host of other constitutional violations

Keith La Bella Esq., writes over at http://www.gangstalkingismurder,, and he was the first person to ask that we apply "RICO" statutes to gang stalking cases. Unlike "do-nothing"ultra-right organizations--and likely stalkers-- like, LaBella's efforts are now paying off. The statute designed to police "mobsters", "mafia's" an other "gangs" is now applicable to "police gangs" who … Continue reading Keith LaBella Esq. was the first to suggest applying the RICO act to “organized gang stalking.” Now, a trend in which we see the Pasco County lawsuits invoking RICO, and a host of other constitutional violations

Gang Stalking “conspiracy theory”: it does in fact involve conspiracies and collusion at many levels, as we saw in the eBay Cockroach Cult–and Ramola D.

One of the problems that I bumped into as I began changing the narrative of gang stalking was that many mainstream journalists that I talk to would say "oh, that's a conspiracy theory!" And total shitbags like Glenn Greenwald's former law partner Mona Hollande would always point to the RationalWiki listing for conspiracy theory too. … Continue reading Gang Stalking “conspiracy theory”: it does in fact involve conspiracies and collusion at many levels, as we saw in the eBay Cockroach Cult–and Ramola D.

Taking on “the narrative” at its root: How the CIA and other agencies use early recruitment of children to “manage perception.” Gang stalking case studies in eutrapilia

A simple fact: most targets of intelligence agency, police oriented recruitment and other forms of gang stalking have no idea that they are being tracked. A case study in narrative formation, and early media recruitment: The curious smearing of comedian Gavin McInnes, on National Public Radio. He is being smeared as a"white supremacist," but the … Continue reading Taking on “the narrative” at its root: How the CIA and other agencies use early recruitment of children to “manage perception.” Gang stalking case studies in eutrapilia

A note about the illustrator Thomas Nast, and the fear of “the other” perpetuated by Jewish-christians: trust me, if “the other” took over the whole world, it would be a good thing–because you suck.

There are so many crackpot sites online about gang stalking that it hurts my head just trying to explain them. You can look here, at actual lawsuits targeting gang stalkers ( and here, and here, and here, and here, and here) and then, look at the religion tainted psychobabblers that ramble on about "psychotronic weapons, … Continue reading A note about the illustrator Thomas Nast, and the fear of “the other” perpetuated by Jewish-christians: trust me, if “the other” took over the whole world, it would be a good thing–because you suck.

Women as stalkers: indeed they do form gangs.

I for one hate rapists, of any kind. But you know what? Democracies everywhere depend from jury trials, not some drunk, unaccountable and a minefield of gender strewn biased, wholly unaccountable narrative in the "rape claimants" testimony. I also hate those who do not follow the rule of law, or who disregard civil rights just … Continue reading Women as stalkers: indeed they do form gangs.

Gang stalking lawsuits: The US Attorney AND the FBI are starting to take gang stalking seriously. Comes now the case of Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, indicted progressive political operative

As I have documented repeatedly for over five years, much gang stalking flies under law enforcement radar because it is organized gangs of female stalkers doing it, and we see evidence of that everywhere. There are "gangs" of women at all levels of institutions, and the story below gives us a glimpse of a refugee, … Continue reading Gang stalking lawsuits: The US Attorney AND the FBI are starting to take gang stalking seriously. Comes now the case of Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, indicted progressive political operative

The crossfire dialectic of organized gang stalking: its a name game

Gang stalking lawsuits are indeed a thing now. So, over here, I wrote about a lawsuit where a corporate gang that included lots of retired police, and high percentages of women called "the eBay Cockroach Cult", stalked, cyberstalked, and harassed a few writers. Then, over here, and here I wrote about a journalist who had … Continue reading The crossfire dialectic of organized gang stalking: its a name game

Gang Stalking and hard right christianity: the western governments are forever seeking sneaky ways to get their religion up your ass. Good Morning CAMBODIAAAA!

This blog got four hits from Cambodia for the first time ever today, after I wrote about how a targeted individual, Richard Moore, had filed a lawsuit against some gang stalkers, most of whom are hard-right christian religionists, and many of those, affiliated directly with the CIA or other intelligence agencies.On the surface, it might … Continue reading Gang Stalking and hard right christianity: the western governments are forever seeking sneaky ways to get their religion up your ass. Good Morning CAMBODIAAAA!