Minnesota ex-cop Kim Potter cries on stand, in video, demonstrates well known phenomenon of “white woman’s tears” for all the world to see

Black, brown, and other women have watched for decades as white women gain unfair advantages by crying wolf--and using real tears that get people lynched, jailed, or otherwise caught up in Ameria's police state mechanisms. The phenomenon so real that there is a name for it "white woman's tears" and these cases are legion. This … Continue reading Minnesota ex-cop Kim Potter cries on stand, in video, demonstrates well known phenomenon of “white woman’s tears” for all the world to see

Moral Panics and Folk Devils: the origin story of the “Mineola Swingers Club”/ Kindergarten Strip Show, and “the usual suspects.”

I touched on "Moral Panics and Folk Devils" a little bit in this piece here, where a genuine targeted individual was concerned that I might be "anti-semitic" and did not want to be tarnished by association with such a bias. In that piece, I did my best to reasure the target that I am not … Continue reading Moral Panics and Folk Devils: the origin story of the “Mineola Swingers Club”/ Kindergarten Strip Show, and “the usual suspects.”

Gabby Sones is “The Girl Who Told the Truth”: CPS, Satanic Panic’s, and fake-christian’s exploiting children for ca$h in expensive hoaxes like The Mineola Child Sex Case

The Mineola Child Sex Case, aka the “Mineola Swingers Club” case gets a makeover, as Satanic Panic's are once again explored in the MSM--Texas Monthly re-visited that case in 2018, nearly a decade after a band of criminals led by foster care profiteer Margie Cantrell and her husband John in the State of Texas, working … Continue reading Gabby Sones is “The Girl Who Told the Truth”: CPS, Satanic Panic’s, and fake-christian’s exploiting children for ca$h in expensive hoaxes like The Mineola Child Sex Case

The “FBI’s Secret Rules”: CIA and NSA dossiere’s are used in domestic FBI and police activity and utilize psychology, psychological operations, and gang stalking tactics to spy on US citizens.

In the pre-internet era, it was possible for covert agencies to hide their awful activities behind psychological diagnoses, and complicit psychologists, like these awful psychologists here. The agencies and psychologists of that earlier CIA weaponized psychology era delighted in the common and often repeated gaslighting commentary about "paranoia, and tin foil hats," coupled with demands … Continue reading The “FBI’s Secret Rules”: CIA and NSA dossiere’s are used in domestic FBI and police activity and utilize psychology, psychological operations, and gang stalking tactics to spy on US citizens.

Reposting, in case you missed it: a controversial tale of two young girls, one grown old now, in Palestine.

The sloth invertebrate ecosystem is interesting science. October 21, 2021 ~ ROGS Analysis ~ Edit "The sloth invertebrate ecosystem is interesting science." When we think of sloth, we think of slow moving, dirty animals, actually properly called moss tending animals (IMHO) who essentially cultivate spores and carry them around–on their fur. Jungle algae, as it were, a … Continue reading Reposting, in case you missed it: a controversial tale of two young girls, one grown old now, in Palestine.

This months most popular reading– gang stalking statistics, and “what do readers interested in gang stalking read?”

This month was a great indicator that the gang stalking dialectic has changed FOREVER as I chase these soulless asshats around the web. Of course, that came with a small price, as one of my many, many emails was hacked, as I brought forth the story of Richard Moore, a bonafide targeted individual, who has … Continue reading This months most popular reading– gang stalking statistics, and “what do readers interested in gang stalking read?”

Journalists and gang stalking: how to write about these cases?

Youtube is full of excellent, authentic videos that document gang stalking in real time, but there's a problem with these videos: they are often lengthy, hard to watch, and sometimes the victims and perpetrators use similar terminology laden with hyperbolic claims --so its hard to find genuine cases of these abuses! Then, YT is also … Continue reading Journalists and gang stalking: how to write about these cases?

WARNING!!!! I found the Grinch, and he is taking aim at your children! I just turned in a report to the authorities–the Grinch is at Landover Baptist Church RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

I urge my readers to go over to this posting, and note the insanity of the types of people who gang stalk--and I am announcing my "Gang Stalk The Grinch campaign, starting today! What does insanity look like? Read along with the crackpots over at Landover Baptist Church*, and have a good laugh, because people … Continue reading WARNING!!!! I found the Grinch, and he is taking aim at your children! I just turned in a report to the authorities–the Grinch is at Landover Baptist Church RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

Meet the history buffs who are stalked by a cult! MessageTo Eagle gets stalked

The majority of online-offline gang stalking is initiated by cult members from within the intelligence apparatus, including current and former police, military, and intel agencies, most notoriously organizations like the Fraternal Order of Police, or the various Rotary, Lions Clubs, Masons and so on are often implicated too. But there are actual intel agencies ties … Continue reading Meet the history buffs who are stalked by a cult! MessageTo Eagle gets stalked

Hacking, and targeted individuals” my email has been hacked, and I could care less. Its a “log” story.

So, the case of Richard Moore in North Mississipi has afew Jethro's and Bubba's and banksters in a froth--I have brought light to places where their dark practices prosper, like mold, mildew, and cancer. SO, they hacked one of my many, many emails. UPDATE 1-5-2022: Richard Moore reports that he was just run off the … Continue reading Hacking, and targeted individuals” my email has been hacked, and I could care less. Its a “log” story.